Mistakes that are can accidentally ruin your Jewelry

Posted by Debbie Hernandez on

        Never Taking Jewelry off

    When you find a piece of jewelry you adore it quickly becomes part of your daily outfit. It’s tempting to put it on and never take it off. If you never take your jewelry off it’s likely you wear it when showering, doing the housework, cooking, sleeping, and all those other countless daily tasks. Without realising you could be exposing the precious metal to harsh chemicals.

    Remember to remove your jewelry during activities to protect it from accidental damage.


    Incorrectly cleaning Jewelry

    Simple is always better; we recommend using lukewarm water, a mild soap, and a gentle cleaning cloth. Make absolutely certain your jewelry is completely dry afterwards and you’ll end up with beautifully radiant jewelry.

    Putting Jewelry on first

    If you wear skincare, makeup, or perfume, jewelry should be put on after applying these too. The ingredients in beauty products can lead to tarnishing and permanent discolouration. Jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you take off.


    Not wearing Jewelry enough

    It might come as a surprise that not wearing your jewelry enough can do just as much damage. If stored properly your jewelry should be safe but certain metals, like sterling silver, naturally tarnish over time and wearing it regularly will help prevent the natural tarnishing process. When you wear your jewelry the rubbing motion against your skin and clothing gently polishes the metal helping to maintain its lustrous shine.


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